Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hello again!

Hello again!  It has been such a long time since I have posted. I apologize. I put  my thoughts of blogging on a shelf for a while. But I am back and hope to write on a regular basis.

I have thought about what to write about here and I still haven't yet decided what to make this blog into. I would love to make it a sewing/quilting blog,but there are so many wonderful blogs out there already.  So I have decided for now, I will chat about a little bit of everything.

 I have recently turned 50. Yep, the BIG 50. When I turned 40, I decided that I would be fabulous in my 40's. I started out fabulous, but somehow I got busy and forgot to finish fabulously. Now that I am 50, I have a new plan. I am going to be in my fantastic 50's.  Before I go on, I'd like to say that I do not feel 50. My brain is still 22 years old. BUT the bad part of it being 22 is that it seems stuck in the 80's and 90's sometimes.  I still  sing and dance when I hear a song from that time and once in a while I almost slip and say the catchy sayings of that time. Thank goodness I stop myself. I would really sound outdated.  When I watch any movies or music videos from the 80's and 90's, they just don't seem as cool as they once were.  I keep trying to keep current and up to date, but it just doesn't seem to work.  Oh well, it's ok.  Keeping up with the latest trends isn't as important as it once was.  I guess I am maturing. What is important to me is relationships. Showing the people who are important to me how much I love  and care about them. It is so important to show others how much they are valued.

Things have really changed since I was younger. But what hasn't changed is how people lack in  nurturing relationships.  I'll stop here for today, but think about the people you love and care about. How can you show them how much you value them?  It's easier than we think it is.

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